About us


Love God. Love People. Make Disciples.

Every local church body has a unique identity, a DNA if you will. It starts with what that church believes about God and the Bible and becomes a way of thinking and living. So what’s our DNA? Our mission stems from the belief that the almighty God humbled himself to come to us as the man Jesus, serving and suffering and sacrificing himself to rescue us in our sin. This makes us eager to lay down our own lives in love for him and others as we reach out and serve our community. We believe that God has placed us as a body in Durango for His glory and purpose. Our mission, therefore, must originate from God’s mission in his world and the part he has given his people to play in that mission: to Love God, Love People, and Make Disciples.

What We Believe About Corporate Worship

Worship is our corporate and personal response to God, in spirit and in truth, for Who He is and what He has done. It is expressed by what we say, sing, and the way we live. Our Worship Ministry includes singing and playing instruments. We do not believe that singing praise to God in a church service is, in and of itself, worship. However, we do believe that singing praise to God is a command to all (Psalm 66:1-2) and is a powerful way to respond to our God and King.

The message that our music and songs communicate is of utmost importance to us. Whether our music is loud or soft, fast or slow, new or old, with a full band or without, matters little in comparison to the message of the song. It is important to us that the songs accurately reflect the Scriptures. In particular, we hope to express the triune nature of our God as we respond to the gospel of the Son. Though we believe our enjoyment of God brings Him glory, corporate worship through song is not ultimately about what we want, need, desire, or prefer. He is our satisfaction and the gospel we proclaim in liturgy, song, and word is all we need.

If you would like to help out or be involved with our worship ministry in any way, please call the church office at 970-247-0624.


 At First Baptist, we ask that those who call this church their home become partners with us. Partnership reveals a responsibility to serve, not to be served. A commitment to more than just coming on a Sunday morning. A relationship with a spiritual family that will provide affirmation, support, and encouragement in your walk with Christ.

Being a partner at FBC means you’re a part of our family. Together, we’re committed to serving, growing together, giving financially for God’s glory, the benefit of the body, and for Durango to become more Christ-like. While we will never twist your arm, nor exclude you from attending functions and activities at FBC, we hope that as the Lord leads, you will see your need to be connected to and own God’s call on you in the body of FBC. For more information on ownership, please contact the church at 970-247-0624.


Baptism is for the individual who has received the saving benefits of Christ’s atoning work and has become His disciple. Therefore, as a testimony to God’s grace, the church, oneself, and the world, a believer should be baptized in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Water baptism is a visual and symbolic demonstration of a person’s union with Christ in the likeness of His death and resurrection. Individually, it signifies that his/her former way of life has been put to death, and vividly depicts a person’s release from the mastery of sin. Corporately the baptized person is united to the body of Christ, the church, as a whole.

FBC Durango practices and teaches “believer’s baptism.”

Before your baptism, we would like to meet with you to answer your questions about this ordinance. This time will be a discussion of the biblical significance of baptism, a time covering several frequently asked questions, and to cover the logistical details of a baptism service.

Please feel free to contact the church office, or any of our pastors to set up a time to discuss and schedule your baptism.

Worship in Music

Our vision is to enable the full, conscious, and active participation of the people at FBC Durango by inspiring them to worship in spirit and in truth. We love deep and sound doctrine (Acts 17:11Titus 1:91 Timothy 6:3-51 Peter 3:14-15), while still exuding emotional depth (Isaiah 29:13John 4:23Romans 8:26Romans 15:13Philippians 1:8Galatians 5:22-23James 4:5).


The good news of Jesus Christ. Jesus came in the form of a man to live the perfect life we could not live, fulfilling all of God’s perfect law and died the death man deserved to die. Jesus rose again three days later defeating Satan, sin, and death once and for all. He was the perfect sacrifice for the sins of man. It is through Christ and Christ alone that man can be saved and restored to a right relationship with God. While we are not a perfect church, we pray and work that our practice lines up with those beliefs. We fix our eyes on the good news of Jesus—the “gospel”—to power this transformation.


We are a multi-generational community doing life with each other, working together to make God’s name great in our city. We desire to be God-centered, conforming our ways to his. We desire to be Christ-exalting, doing all things for him. We desire to be gospel-driven, carried along by the joy of what Jesus has done for us.


We place a high value on teaching and preaching the Word of God. We place a high value on spreading the news of salvation in Jesus Christ both globally and locally. We place a high value on molding children’s hearts with the gospel.


God has embedded us in Durango to serve his purposes. This is a great community, but we are not here simply to make much of ourselves and selfishly take in all the benefits the area offers. Rather, we are here to engage our community and build into it, making it a better place for the good of our neighbors and the glory of God.

Worship With Us

Sundays at 10:00AM


332 East 11th Street
Durango, CO 81301