Become a Member!

Become a Member!

If you are a member of First Baptist Durango currently, or would like to become one, please click the following link to apply for membership or reaffirm your membership For questions, email...
Gospel Communities: Leaders Needed!

Gospel Communities: Leaders Needed!

We want people of Durango to be transformed by the Gospel! Our primary way is through Gospel Communities. Our goal is to gather together (beyond Sundays), make disciples, and encourage each other in our faith. To sign up for one, go to our website and click “Gospel...
Women’s Bible Studies

Women’s Bible Studies

Women’s Bible Studies begins Thursday, September 15th at 9:00 a.m. and runs through December 8th.  They will be studying the book of Nehemiah with a study by Kathleen Neilson.  The women will meet all together as a lasrge group on September 15th and then again...