Join us as Pastor Alan Hensley preaches on Psalm 145. If I'm not "feeling it" how do I put my heart in the place to Praise God and stir my…
In this sermon Pastor Alan Hensley discusses the role of Children & Parents and Servants & Masters in the First Century Household. How are Christians called to interact with one…
In this sermon, Pastor Alan Hensley delves into Colossians 1:15-20, reminding us of Jesus Christ's supremacy as the ultimate King, reigning over all creation. Through this scripture, he reflects on…
During this teaching, Pastor Alan Hensley covers Ephesians 3:1-13 and encourages the church with the reality of the church's inclusion, insight, and involvement in the Gospel.
During this podcast, Pastor Jimmy Thoma, Youth Leader and Administrator Jenna Brandon, and Pastor Alan Hensley discuss the recent sermon on Ephesians 2:11-22 and the implications of Biblical unity v.s.…
In the final section of Ephesians 1:3-14, Pastor Alan Hensley teaches on the believer's inheritance in Christ.
Associate Pastor Alan Hensley brings a message from Psalm 62:1-12 on the idols of our heart, how to turn to God in difficult circumstances, and the power and love of…
Associate Pastor Alan Hensley kicks off a new sermon series called "Summer in the Pslams" with a teaching out of Psalm 3 about the deliverance of the Lord.
Lead Pastor Jimmy Thoma, Associate Pastor Alan Hensley, and our Communications Administrator Jenna Brandon, discuss the proposed amendment to Article 5 of the Bylaws regarding membership.